In yesterday’s post, I wrote that I hoped that by today, the Trump debacle would be behind us. Yeah, not so much.
This morning, I watched Hillary Clinton’s concession speech and MY President’s, Barack Obama’s, talk. I was blown away by both of them. True class acts. Maybe it’s just rhetoric, but they both said they will support President-Elect Trump (I just threw up a little in my mouth writing that). They said it’s time to come together. Obama said that above all we are patriots; we are Americans. So, we need to walk it off and get to work on the issues that require our collective attention.
I love their positivity and optimism. I especially loved HRC’s reference to Galatians (“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”). Of course, that’s the *right* way to be.

I, on the other hand, am still stuck in the first phase of grief–denial. How the hell did this come to pass? How could the pollsters be wrong? Maybe the system is rigged in a way that favors billionaires and liars? Maybe there was poll fraud? Maybe I’m just having a terrible nightmare?
I’m just not ready to move forward with the positive thinking. I feel personally wounded by the outcome of this election. Women were double losers in this contest. Not only do we lose the opportunity to elect our first female president, we will now be subject to the most openly misogynistic leader in my lifetime. WTH?
Of course, we’re not the only losers. People of color are right up there. The elderly. People who make too much money for Medi-CAL (I don’t know if they call it that in other states; that’s what it’s called in California), but not enough for private insurance. Immigrants. Peaceful Muslims. The middle class. Plus a whole lot of other folks who voted for that “man,” thinking that he would somehow better their working-class lives. Newsflash, folks. How do you think Trump got so rich? On the backs of folks like YOU. Get ready for a roller coaster ride, people.
Today, anti-Trump protesters took to the streets. “Not my president,” they chanted, amongst trash fires. “Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!” “The demonstration was one of the first visible signs of anger in the liberal and heavily Democratic San Francisco Bay Area after Trump’s surprising victory,” the New York Times reported. Yeah, count me amongst those ranks.
California also woke up today to a state where recreational marijuana has become legal. Good thing, because we’re going to need a lot of pot to get through these next four years.
This afternoon, my mom said, “We just don’t represent America, do we?” Apparently, we do not, which is why I propose a “Calexit.” We’re just too different from the rest of this country, I fear. How is this possible, when this state is the sixth largest economy IN THE WORLD? What would happen if California just picked up its marbles and went home?
Yeah, yeah. A girl can dream.
Like I say, I’m still just trying to process all this. Tomorrow, if I can, I’ll try to move past my disbelief towards Hillary Clinton’s Galatian philosophy.
But for today, I’m just one very pissed off California girl.
Awesome writing, Brianna! I support a Calexit.
Thank you for the compliment. You have always been my biggest cheerleader. I love you for that. XOXO