“I am God’s vessel. But my greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.” –Kanye West
I almost feel bad writing a post about Kanye West. He’s such an easy target. And–poor thing–after a week of being extra turbo-charged crazy, he’s been hospitalized for exhaustion.
But who wouldn’t be exhausted after all that ranting about Beyoncé’s descent into the dark side? In a display of classic Kanye “irony” (insanity?) he claimed that Beyonce only agreed to appear on the MTV Music Awards if she knew beforehand that she won the award for video of the year over both him and Drake. (As a reminder, the rapper crashed the stage during Taylor Swift’s speech at the 2009 Video Music Awards to protest the teen singer’s Best Female Video award and declare that it should have gone to Beyoncé. Oh, how things can change in the space of seven years.)
According to reports, Mr. West got a visit from the LAPD on Monday subsequent to a “disturbance call,” one day after the rapper abruptly canceled his tour in progress. Disturbed, indeed. The week before, during a concert in the liberal hotbed known as the Bay Area, Kanye went on a little rant about racism and the Black Lives Matter movement before singing the praises of President-elect Donald Trump. “I would have voted for Trump, if I had voted,” he announced, drawing boos from the crowd. Gotta know your audience, right?
Kanye has a lot of opinions about politics. And because he’s an activist like that (although, apparently, a non-voter), he’s announced he just may run for president in 2020. So there’s that to look forward to. I mean, if we thought Donald Trump was quotable, we can look forward to MONTHS of entertainment if Kanye runs.
Because I adore Kanye West quotes even more than green tea lattes (and that’s a lot, people), I’m including some below, so you can share in my joy. I can’t help but wonder how many of these little gems he drops at home, and what kind of stuff he’s teaching his little kids. You just can’t make this stuff up.
“I will go down as the voice of this generation, of this decade, I will be the loudest voice.” (Or the goofiest, perhaps?)
“I don’t even listen to rap. My apartment is too nice to listen to rap in.” (I guess all of your fans live in crappy tenements?)
“I am not a fan of books.” (This revelation SHOCKS me.)
“Mark Zuckerberg, you wanna call me now? Do I got the vision, Mark Zuckerberg? Was you wrong? When I said I was $53m in debt and you didn’t call me, was you wrong? … You said you would help and you didn’t. Then you went to look for aliens.” (Wait, *who* went to look for aliens?)
I guess I’m not the only one who is pretty saturated with Kanyegate. In fact, his former fans have started a #kanyeisoverparty hashtag on Twitter to share their feelings. And the Tweets are off-the-hook hilarious. I’ll leave you with these little gems:
No, we cannot talk about Kanye for a minute. Seriously ? I’m shocked and dismayed…
Ha ha ha. Brett, you’re the best brother ever. Thanks for actually reading my blog. XOXO